Your dog bleeding from penis: Everything you need to know
You recently noticed that there is a terrible problem happened with your lovely pet. Your male dog is bleeding from his penis. Sometimes the blood appears after urination, others time, there is only blood. Problems affecting the penis are uncomfortable and this may be a sign of a potentially serious health condition. So why is your dog bleeding from penis? And what should we do to help our lovely pet? This article will help you determine if your dog’s penis is healthy or if you need to call to your veterinarian.

Summary about dog bleeding from penis
Canine penile bleeding is a warning sign of many dog health diseases such as infections of urinary tract, urinary tract calculi (stones), injuries and neoplasia or cancerous and-or cystic developments in the urinary tract. The most common cause that make dog bleeding from penis is prostatic disorder, which means a dog is suffering from a issue in the prostate gland. Also, infections or the enlargement and prostate cancer can be the reason for bleeding from the penis. This condition isn’t as simple as we think, it requires detailed laboratory and clinical diagnosis before any specific treatments is initiated.
Dog bleeding from penis: Causes and Treatments
According to Dr Ann, Veterinarian, who has more than 5 years of experience with small animals and surgery. Here are three common causes and treatments for dog bleeding from penis and treatments.

1. A canine penis issue
Your dog may be bleeded due to some penile trauma, a bit of material caught between the skin which surrounds the penis (prepuce) and the penis, or normally a infection in prepuce. In this case, there will be less blood coming from the penis and your Vet will be easily investigated this issue.
2. A urinary issue
If you see the blood is dripping from the penis while your lovely dog is urinating, it is likely a issue happen with its urinary organs such as bladder infection or bladder stones. And even if you observe that the blood is dripping independently of urinary organ, it could still be a possible stone issue and in this case, your vet will make a urine sample, looking for bacteria, crystals or stone, etc. Then, your vet will collect this by passing a urinary cathether in order to make sure it passes easily up through the urethra (the tube across the penis where urine exits) since little bits of grit and stone get stuck here sometimes.
3. A prostate issue
Finally, one of the most common causes that make your lovely dog bleeding from penis is related to a prostate problem. Prostate issues frequently are benign (non-cancerous) prostate hyperplasia (expansion), inflammation in the prostate (prostatitis) and prostate cancer. You can easily observe that in these cases, blood will freely drip from the penis when your dog is non- painful or is not urinating. In case your dog is neutered, to resolve this issue, your vet will make an ultrasound to confirm what happened exactly with it. If your dog isn’t neutered, an urinalysis will be needed and your vet will want to conduct a rectal examination to check the prostate of your dog.

Note: No matter how terrible the case of your dog bleeding from penis is, just bring him to the nearest Veterinarian immediately to ensure the best treatment we can do for it.
We hope that this information will be useful for you and good luck with your lovely dog.